Wild Violet control 2019

For many years controlling wild violets in residential Turfgrass has been extremely difficult. The reason control is so difficult  is the underground structure is very Woody in nature and extremely difficult for herbicides to basically finish the control. Even herbicides like Roundup, that advertise “killing plant’s roots in all” , very often would take multiple applications and still not completely destroy the underground tuber. About 10 years ago, there was a herbicide called Confront, that was pretty effective in controlling violets with about two applications. That herbicide was removed from residential use and it’s only allowed on golf courses. Another herbicide, Imprelis was briefly released and did an amazing job controlling violets. However, it also controlled evergreens and other fully mature trees. It was completely removed from the market. In 2019, there is a new herbicide on the market, called Sure Power. The university trials have shown excellent control of wild violets and ground ivy without damaging trees. However, it can do substantial damage to cool season grasses if it is applied when the air temperatures exceed 70 degrees. Therefore, we will be applying this herbicide to cool season lawns from early February until the temperatures prevent us from doing so. This herbicide cannot be mixed with other products such as fertilizer. We are providing this application AT NO CHARGE to our customers that take the full cool season package. It will not be offered as a standalone service to non customers or customers that do not take a complete package. We are determined to end the frustration of customers who have had wild Violet issues for years. It is extremely important for existing customers to contact our office by email or phone by January 31st to get on the list! Looking forward to a great 2019!

Robert Stroud “The Turf Doctor”